Source code for cornish.plot.matplotlib

from typing import Union, Tuple, Iterable

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import astropy.units as u
import starlink.Grf as Grf
import starlink.Ast as Ast
#import starlink.Atl as Atl

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.units import Quantity
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

from .cornish import CornishPlot
from ..region.region import ASTRegion
from import ASTCircle

from cornish import ASTFITSChannel, ASTFrameSet

markerstr2value = {
	"circle" : 1,
	"cross" : 2,
	"star" : 3,
	"circle" : 4,
	"x" : 5,
	"dot" : 6,
	"triangle" : 7,
	"triangle down" : 8,
	"triangle left" : 9,
	"triangle right" : 10

[docs]class SkyPlot(CornishPlot): ''' A convenience class providing a high level interface for creating sky plots in Matplotlib. :param extent: an ASTRegion that encompasses the full area to plot :param figsize: width,height of the plot figure in inches (parameter passed directly to :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`) ''' def __init__(self, extent:ASTRegion=None, figsize:Tuple[float,float]=(12.0, 12.0)): self.astPlot = None # type: Ast.Plot self._figure = None # the matplotlib.figure.Figure object # ------------------------------------------------------- # Create frame set that will map the position in the plot # (i.e. pixel coordinates) to the sky (i.e. WCS) #fits_chan = ASTFITSChannel() naxis1 = 100 naxis2 = 100 if isinstance(extent, ASTCircle): circle_extent = extent elif isinstance(extent, ASTRegion): circle_extent = extent.boundingCircle() #center = else: raise ValueError("Could not determine a center point for the provided extent. Hint: provide an ASTRegion object.") # The NAXIS values are arbitrary; this object is used for mapping. cards = { "CRVAL1"[0], # reference point value (image center) in sky coords (RA) "CRVAL2"[1], # reference point value (image center) in sky coords (dec) "CTYPE1":"RA---TAN", #"GLON-TAN", # projection type: first coordinate RA, projection tangential "CTYPE2":"DEC--TAN", #"GLAT-TAN" "CRPIX1":naxis1/2 + 0.5, # reference point (image center) point in pixel coords "CRPIX2":naxis2/2 + 0.5, "CDELT1":2.1*circle_extent.radius.to_value(u.deg)/naxis1, "CDELT2":2.1*circle_extent.radius.to_value(u.deg)/naxis2, "NAXIS1":naxis1, "NAXIS2":naxis2, "NAXES":2, } #naxis1 = cards['NAXIS1'] #naxis2 = cards['NAXIS2'] pix2sky_mapping = ASTFrameSet.fromFITSHeader(fits_header=cards) # ------------------------------------------------------- # Create a matplotlib figure, 12x12 inches in size. #dx = figsize[0] # 12.0 #dy = figsize[1] # 12.0 dx, dy = figsize self._figure = plt.figure( figsize=(dx,dy) ) # -> matplotlib.figure.Figure Ref: fig_aspect_ratio = dy/dx # Set up the bounding box of the image in pixel coordinates, and get # the aspect ratio of the image. bbox = (0.5, 0.5, naxis1 + 0.5, naxis2 + 0.5) fits_aspect_ratio = ( bbox[3] - bbox[1] )/( bbox[2] - bbox[0] ) # Set up the bounding box of the image as fractional offsets within the # figure. The hx and hy variables hold the horizontal and vertical half # widths of the image, as fractions of the width and height of the figure. # Shrink the image area by a factor of 0.7 to leave room for annotated axes. if fig_aspect_ratio > fits_aspect_ratio : hx = 0.5 hy = 0.5*fits_aspect_ratio/fig_aspect_ratio else: hx = 0.5*fig_aspect_ratio/fits_aspect_ratio hy = 0.5 hx *= 0.7 hy *= 0.7 gbox = ( 0.5 - hx, 0.5 - hy, 0.5 + hx, 0.5 + hy ) # Add an Axes structure to the figure and display the image within it, # scaled between data values zero and 100. Suppress the axes as we will # be using AST to create axes. ax_image = self._figure.add_axes( [ gbox[0], gbox[1], gbox[2] - gbox[0], gbox[3] - gbox[1] ], zorder=1 ) # -> matplotlib.axes.Axes ax_image.xaxis.set_visible( False ) ax_image.yaxis.set_visible( False ) #ax_image.imshow( hdu_list[0].data, vmin=0, vmax=200,, # origin='lower', aspect='auto') # Add another Axes structure to the figure to hold the annotated axes # produced by AST. It is displayed on top of the previous Axes # structure. Make it transparent so that the image will show through. ax_plot = self._figure.add_axes( [ 0, 0, 1, 1 ], zorder=2 ) # rect = [x0, y0, width, height], 1 = full canvas size ax_plot.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax_plot.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax_plot.patch.set_alpha(0.0) # Create a drawing object that knows how to draw primitives (lines, # marks and strings) into this second Axes structure. grf = Grf.grf_matplotlib( ax_plot ) #print(f"gbox: {gbox}") #print(f"bbox: {bbox}") # box in graphics coordinates (area to draw on, dim of plot) #plot = Ast.Plot( frameset.astObject, gbox, bbox, grf ) self.astPlot = Ast.Plot( pix2sky_mapping.astObject, gbox, bbox, grf, options="Uni1=ddd:mm:ss" ) #, options="Grid=1" ) #plot.set( "Colour(border)=2, Font(textlab)=3" ); self.astPlot.Grid = True # can change the line properties self.astPlot.Format_1 = "dms" # colors: # 1 = black # 2 = red # 3 = lime # 4 = blue # 5 = # 6 = pink self.astPlot.grid() self.astPlot.Width_Border = 2 self.imageAxes = ax_image
[docs] def figure(self): ''' Return the :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` object for plot customization outside of this API. ''' return self._figure
[docs] def addRegionOutline(self, region:Union[ASTRegion,Ast.Region], colour:str="#4a7f7b", color=None, style:int=1): ''' Overlay the outline of the provided region to the plot. :param region: the region to draw :param colour: a color name (e.g. ``black``) or hex code (e.g. ``#4a7f7b``) :param color: synonym for 'colour' :param style: line style: 1=solid, 2=solid, 3=dashes, 4=short dashes, 5=long dashes ''' if isinstance(region, ASTRegion): region = region.astObject elif isinstance(region, Ast.Object): pass else: raise ValueError(f"Region provided must either be an ASTRegion or starlink.Ast.Object; was given '{type(region)}'.") if color: colour = color original_colour = self.astPlot.Colour_Border original_style = self.astPlot.Style self.astPlot.Style = style self.astPlot.Colour_Border = colour self.astPlot.regionoutline(region) self.astPlot.Colour_Border = original_colour self.astPlot.Style = original_style
[docs] def addPoints(self, ra:Iterable=None, dec:Iterable=None, points:Iterable[Tuple]=None, style:int=1, size:float=None, colour:str=None, color:str=None): ''' Draw a point onto an existing plot. .. list-table:: Marker Styles :widths 20 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - marker_style value - style - string equivalent * - 1 - small circle - circle * - 2 - cross - cross * - 3 - star - star * - 4 - larger circle - circle * - 5 - x - x * - 6 - pixel dot - dot * - 7 - triangle pointing up - triangle * - 8 - triangle pointing down - triangle down * - 9 - triangle pointing left - triangle left * - 10 - triangle pointing right - triangle right * - 11 - ... :param points: point should be in degrees (e.g. list or numpy.ndarray, or a pair (list/tuple) of astropy.units.Quantity values, or a SkyCoord, or a container of these (all in the same form) :param style: an integer corresponding to one of the built-in marker styles :param colour: marker plot colour :param color: synonym for 'colour' :param size: scale point size by this value ''' if isinstance(style, str): try: marker_style = markerstr2value[style] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"The provided marker style value '{style}' is unknown.") else: # check for integer? marker_style = style if all([x is None for x in [ra,dec,points]]): raise ValueError("'ra','dec' OR 'points' must be specified.") if all([x is True for x in [ra, dec, points]]): raise ValueError("Only 'ra','dec' OR 'points' can be specified.") elif points is None and any([x is None for x in [ra,dec]]): raise ValueError("If 'ra' or dec' is given, then other parameter must also be provided.") if points is not None and len(points) == 0: raise Exception("No points were provided to plot.") if ra is not None: points = np.transpose([ra,dec]) if size: current_marker_size = self.astPlot.Size_Markers self.astPlot.Size_Markers = size if color and not colour: colour = color if colour: # save current colour current_marker_colour = self.astPlot.Colour_Markers self.astPlot.Colour_Markers = colour # use first point to determine type if isinstance(points[0], SkyCoord): for p in points: point = [,] self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) elif isinstance(points, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): if len(points) == 2: # single point #for p in points: if True: if isinstance(points[0], Quantity): point = [ for x in points] else: point = np.deg2rad(points) self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) #if isinstance(points[0], Quantity): # points = [ for x in points] # self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) #else: # for p in points: # point = np.deg2rad(p) # self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) elif points.shape[1] == 2: if isinstance(points[0][0], Quantity): for p in points: self.astPlot.mark([ for x in p], marker_style) else: for p in points: self.astPlot.mark(np.deg2rad(p), marker_style) elif len(points[0]) == 2 and isinstance(points[0], Quantity): for p in points: point = [p[0].to(u.rad).value, p[1].to(u.rad).value] self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) else: raise ValueError("Unhandled point type.") #self.astPlot.mark(point, marker_style) # restore plot values # ------------------- if size: self.astPlot.Size_Markers = current_marker_size if colour: self.astPlot.Colour_Markers = current_marker_colour
# def addCurve(self, start, finish): # ''' # # ''' # self.astPlot.
[docs] def show(self): ''' Display the plot (passthrough for :meth:``). '''